South-east Yorkshire, v.c. 61

Programme > 2024

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Programme of Events 2024
May 23

Fordon East Dale

A SSSI but also access land, and now the only site outside the Derwent Valley for Green-winged Orchid, which should be in flower at this time. This will also be a chance to practice vegetative identification of summer-flowering chalk grassland plants.

Park on roadside outside South Fordon Farm.

TA 050 751
June 12

Kirkham Park and Riverside SSSI

Last year's meeting at this site covered mostly the meadows at the southern end. This year the intention is to survey the woodland and river bank further north and east.

Park in the visitors' car park for Kirkham Priory (English Heritage, free parking).

SE 734 658
June 26

Thorney Bank Farm, Nunburnholme

Martin Stringer has kindly offered to show us round his farm, which has been carefully managed for wildlife for many years.

Park at the farm, just south of Nunburnholme on the minor road towards Burnby. YO42 1QU

SE 846 476
July 11

Hotham Carrs SSSI

By permission of the landowner and Natural England.
Consisting of wet acid grassland with basin mire, bog pools, and birch woodland, this SSSI was originally cited mainly for its rich insect population. NE have not had a plant survey done for some years.

Park on the verge beside the public bridleway at North Carr Farm.

SE 866 337
July 24

Deep Dale and Swingling Moor

By permission of Halifax Estates.
Last year we surveyed Whitekeld Dale SE8253 and this year we return to investigate monad SE8254 immediately to the north.

Parking on roadside by Great Givendale church. (Note there is a walk of about 2km to reach the survey area.)

SE 813 537
28 August

The Grimston Estate

From Garton follow the single-track road to the end of Grimston Village. Continue past the "No Entry" sign, into parkland and past the premises of B&K Universal. At the sharp left-hand bend turn off and go straight on to park on the gravel in front of the main house.

TA 282 350
About this page

The programme may change over the year as new meetings are organised (or existing ones re-scheduled) so keep checking this page. It is always advisable to let Rohan know if you intend to come so he can advise of any late changes.

Clicking on the map references for the meeting places should open up a Google Maps image showing the place we intend to assemble. I look forward to seeing you there.

Rohan Lewis